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Εκδηλώσεις20142007Εκδηλώσεις Άλλων Φορέων - 2007Απρίλιος

"Avila Energy" European Congress on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency [25-26 Apr 2007]

This event is set to provide a meeting forum where European experts, organisations and working professionals and the general public engaged in the sector of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency can meet.
The initiative will include:
>> the presentation of submitted papers during the conference
>> an exhibition on renewable energy
>> a pedagogic multi media vehicle and
>> a guided Sightseeing tour, i.e. open doors on bioclimatic architecture.
25-26 April 2007
El Barco de Avila, Spain

Agencia Provincial de Avila – APEA.
Tel.: +34-920 206 230
[Organizer: Energy Agency of the province of Avila - APEA ]