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Εκδηλώσεις20142009Εκδηλώσεις Άλλων Φορέων - 2009Ιανουάριος

"International Conference: ICT for a Global Sustainable Future" [22-23 Jan 2009]

>> Today's societies are facing increasingly complex issues, unprecedented in the history of mankind, and serious risks of breakdowns are in sight, as far as environmental, economic and social issues are concerned.

>> In order to avoid major worldwide crises, industrial, emerging and developing countries will need to agree, sooner or later, on an alternative way forward, based on a true sustainable development, a more sustainable economic growth, more equally shared resources. 

>> This event will give the opportunity to participants to thoroughly understand and discuss what is at stake and which research areas can be usefully explored in the short and in the longer terms so that appropriate infrastructures, applications and services, based on Information and Communication Technologies, can be available tomorrow for the citizens of the world.

22-23 January 2009

Charlemagne Building
Rue de la Loi



[Organizer: European Commission & PARADISO project]