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Εκδηλώσεις20142013Εκδηλώσεις Άλλων Φορέων - 2013


<B>IEEE NANO 2013</B> - 13th International Conference on Nanotechnology<BR><span style="COLOR:  #0767b3"> [05-08 Aug 2013]</span>
IEEE NANO is the top IEEE annual conference in nanotechnology, and one of the biggest nanotechnology conferences in the world.
05-08 August 2013, Beijing, China
[Organizer: IEEE]
<B>IMRC 2013</B> - XXII International Materials Research Congress <br><span style="COLOR: #0767b3">[11-15 Aug 2013]</span>
These annual meetings provide an interactive forum to discuss the advances in synthesis, characterization, properties, and more, all related to the area of materials science and engineering.
11-15 August 2013, Cancun, Mexico
[Organizers: MRS & Academia Mexicana de Ciencia de Materiales]
<B>44th IUPAC Congress</B> - Clean Energy Through Chemistry <BR><span style="COLOR: #0767b3">[11-16 Aug 2013]</span>
The program will include symposia on Preserving Water Resources, Converting Biomass to Energy, Marine Pollution and Sustainable Management of the Coastal Environment, and more..
11-16 August 2013, Istanbul, Turkey
[Organizers: IUPAC & Turkish Chemical Society]
<B>ICNFA 2013</B> - 4th International Conference on Nanotechnology: Fundamentals and Applications <br> <span style="COLOR:  #0767b3"> [12-14 Aug 2013]</span>
ICNFA is a series of international conferences held yearly. These conferences focus on all aspects of Nanotechnology.
12-14 August 2013, Toronto, Canada.
[Organizer: International ASET]
<B>Agro-Geoinformatics 2013</B> - 2nd  International Conference <br><span style="COLOR: #0767b3">[12-16 Aug 2013]</span>
The Agro-geoinformatics 2013 provides an ideal venue for professionals and students to exchange ideas, research results, and professional experiences.
12-16 August 2013, Fairfax, VA USA
[Organizer: CSISS / GMU]
<B>WCCE9</B>: 9th World Congress of Chemical Engineering <br><span style="COLOR: #0767b3">[18-23 Aug 2013]</span>
The WCCE9 will incorporate the 15th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress and have the key theme: "Chemical Engineering - Key to the Future".
18-23 August 2013, Seoul, Korea
[Organizer: Korean Institute of Chemical Engineers- KlChE]
<B>Carbonhagen 2013</B> - 4th Symposium on Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes <br> <span style="COLOR:  #0767b3"> [19-20 Aug 2013]</span>
Carbonhagen 2013 is a two day symposium on graphene ,carbon nanotubes, and other two-dimensional nanomaterials (e.g. BN, MoS2)
19-20 August 2013, Copenhagen, Denmark
[Organizers: Technical Univ of Denmark, Univ of Copenhagen & Arhus Univ]
<B>2nd HEALING International Meeting</B>: Hh-Gli Signalling  in Stem cells, Regeneration and Cancer <br><span style="COLOR: #0767b3">[21-25 Aug 2013]</span>
This meeting is part of an ITN EU-funded network. It offers an intimate setting to maximize interactions among students and between students, faculty and invited speakers.
21-25 August 2013, Arolla, Swiss Alps.
[Organizer: The HEALING Project]
<B>ASCOS 2013</B> -  Optical Chemical (Nano-)Sensors for Agrotechnology & Food Industry <br><span style="COLOR: #0767b3">[24-30 Aug 2013]</span><BR><span style="COLOR: #f92c05">CANCELLED</span>
The ASCOS will cover the basic principles of optical sensor techniques & bioassays encountered in modern chemical sensing together with applications & commercial aspects.
24-30 August 2013, Harkary, Hungary
<B>COMS 2013</B> - Commercialization of Micro-Nano Systems Conference <br><span style="COLOR: #0767b3">[25-28 Aug 2013]</span>
COMS 2013 is the 18th annual conference. This edition is all about connecting different worlds, realizing creative systems.
25-28 August 2013, Enschede, The Netherlands
[Organizer: MANCEF]
<B>Dioxin 2013</B> - <br>33rd Internatl Symposium on Halogenated <b>P</b>ersistent <b>O</b>rganic <b>P</b>ollutants  <br><span style="COLOR: #0767b3">[25-30 Aug 2013]</span>
In this interdisciplinary forum the latest scientific advances in the study, analysis, & solution of environmental problems concerned with dioxins and other POPs are discussed.
25-30 August 2013, Daegu, Republic of Korea
[Organizer: Dioxin 20XX ]
<B>Goldschmidt™2013</B> - 23rd  Conference <br><span style="COLOR: #0767b3">[25-30 Aug 2013]</span>
The Goldschmidt Conferences are the foremost forum for the presentation and discussion of the most recent advances in Geochemistry and related areas.
25-30 August 2013, Florence, Italy
[Organizers: Geochemical Society & European Association of Geochemistry]
<B>MST 2013</B> : 11th International Conference on Membrane Science & Technology <br><span style="COLOR: #0767b3">[27-29 Aug 2013]</span>
The theme for this year’s conference is " Sustainable Technology for Energy, Water & Environment".
27-29 August 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
[Organizers: AMTEC, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia ]
<B>ICSB2013</B> - 14th International Conference on Systems Biology <br><span style="COLOR: #0767b3">[30 Aug-03 Sep 2013]</span>
The ICSB is the major event for the world-wide systems biology community. The 14th ICSB continuing it’s annual series of conferences initiated by Hiroaki Kitano in Tokyo in 2000.
30 August - 03 September 2013, Copenhagen, Denmark
[Organizer: International Society for Systems Biology - ISSB]