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Εκδηλώσεις20142013Εκδηλώσεις Άλλων Φορέων - 2013Αύγουστος

Goldschmidt™2013 - 23rd Conference
[25-30 Aug 2013]

>> The Goldschmidt Conferences are the foremost forum for the presentation and discussion of the most recent advances in Geochemistry and related areas. 

In addition to the exciting science of the symposia and technical sessions that have become the benchmark of all Goldschmidt conferences, the conference will also be complemented by thought-provoking plenary sessions.

  Conference Themes &  Sessions
1.  Union Sessions
2.  Cosmochemistry and Planet Formation
3.  Early Earth
4.  Deep Earth
5.  Mantle Geochemistry
6.  Continental Crust
7.  Subduction
8.  Melts, glasses, magmas: From properties to processes
9.  Evolution of Earth's Environment
10.  Interfaces from the nano to macro scales
12.  Earth Resources: Energy
13.  Ores: Their Construction, Destruction and Politics
14.  Climate Change
15.  Atmospheric Aerosol in Air Quality and Climate: the Science and Solutions
17.  Oceans and Atmosphere
19.  Biogeochemistry: Activities, Mechanisms and Cycles
20.  Frontiers in Analytical Techniques
21. Frontiers in Computational Geochemistry
22. The Cutting Edge in Mineralogy and Mineral Physics
23. Hydrogeochemistry
24. General Sessions

25-30 August 2013

Firenze Fiera Congress and Exhibition Centre
Florance, Italy



[Organizers: Geochemical Society & European Association of Geochemistry]