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Green Week 2010 Biodiversity Our Lifeline [01-04 Jun 2010]

>> This year, the largest annual conference on European Environment Policy turns the spotlight on biodiversity.

>> Over some 30 sessions, the conference will address the state of biodiversity and nature in Europe and the world, the benefits they bring, present-day pressures on them, and possible solutions to the current rates of loss. The path to be taken by EU policies on biodiversity and nature policies post-2010, the economic dimension of biodiversity, ecosystem services and Natura 2000 will also be investigated.


>>  Green Week 2010 will look at:

  • The state of biodiversity and nature in Europe and the world today, and perspectives for the future path to be taken by EU policies on biodiversity and nature post-2010
  • Current pressures on ecosystems
  • The benefits brought by biodiversity and nature, and possible solutions to the current rates of loss. This will also include the economic dimension of biodiversity, ecosystem services, etc.
The event will also include a series of side events and side sessions

01-04 June 2010

Charlemange Building

170 Rue de la Loi (Wetstraat)
BE-1049 Brussels


[Organizer: European Commission -  DG Environment]