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Εκδηλώσεις20142007Εκδηλώσεις Άλλων Φορέων - 2007Σεπτέμβριος

PBM 2007 - 3rd International Conference on Population Balance Modelling [19-21 Sep 2007]

One major reason for the popularity of population balance modeling is its applicability to a great variety of different problems. Mining, wastewater treatment, nanoparticle generation, or classically crystallization are only a few examples. This variety in applications, however, has the disadvantage that researchers on population balance topics are often mainly associated with the corresponding scientific communities.
The primary goal of this conference is to overcome this lack of interaction between the different disciplines. Putting the rich methodological framework of population balance modeling in the very center of interest, this conference allows to exchange ideas across traditional boundaries and to identify common problems and solution approaches.
Conference Topics
  • Formulation and Identification of Population Balance Models
  • Computational Methods and Solution of Population Balance Equations
  • Optimization and Control of Particulate Systems using Population Balances
  • Applications of Population Balances
  • Computer-Aided Studies of Particulate Systems
  • Experimental Techniques for Population Balance Systems

Dates and Location

19-21 September 2007, at the Universite Laval , Quebec City - Canada
Veerle De Schepper
Tel.: +32 9 264.59.35
Fax: +32 9 264.62.20
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[ Ghent University, Univertity Laval, NC State University, RWTH Aachen University]