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Εκδηλώσεις20142007Εκδηλώσεις Άλλων Φορέων - 2007


<b>8th International Workshop</b> on Mathematical Methods in Scattering Theory and Biomedical Engineering <span style="COLOR: #83b6e9">[27-29 Sep 2007]</span>
The workshop is the eighth in a series of workshops, initiated in 1994, which has jointly been organized by the UoI, the UoP, the NTUA and the HOU.
27-29 September 2007, Hotel Porto Ligia - Lefkada, Greece
[Organizers: UoI, UoP, NTUA, HOU]
<b>ECCE-6</b>:European Congress of Chem Engineering-6 <span style="COLOR: #83b6e9"><br>[16-21 Sep 2007]</span>
The objective of this biennial congress is to provide engineers, scientists, researchers and others a platform to present their latest results, to interchange ideas, to establish new collaborations, and many more.
The conference addresses the full spectrum of chemical engineering practice, including current trends and future needs.
IPW5 - 5th International Phosphorus Workshop <span style="COLOR: #83b6e9">[3-7 Sep 2007]</span>
"Diffuse Phosphorus Loss: Risk Assessment, Mitigation Options and Ecological Effects in River Basins"
3–7 September 2007 Silkeborg, Denmark
[Organizers: NERI/DK and DJF-Univ. of Aarhus/DK
Sixth International EGOV Conference 2007<br> <span style="COLOR: #83b6e9">[3-7 Sep 2007]</span>
within the DEXA conference cluster
3-7 September 2007 Regensburg, Germany
[Organizer: European EGOV Society]
<B>CEST 2007</B> - 10th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology<br> <span style="COLOR: #0767b3">[05-07 Sep 2007]</span>
05 -07 September 2007, Cos Island, Greece
[Organizers: Global Nest & University of the Aegean]
IEEE 4th International Workshop on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications  (IDAACS'2007) <span style="COLOR: #83b6e9">[6-8 Sep 2007]</span>
6-8 September 2007, Dortmund, Germany
[Organizers: Ternopil State Economic Univ., Uk & Univ. of Ap. Sciences Fachhoshschule Dortmund, DE]
EUROMAT 2007 - European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes <span style="COLOR: #83b6e9"><br>[10-13 Sep 2007]</span>
Euromat 2007 will be held in Nurnberg, the medieval city in the north of Bavaria. The event will take place in the new congress center which is part of the Nurnberg fair grounds situated close to the historic centre. 10-13 September 2007, Nurnberg, Germany
[Organizers: DGM, DVM and PTM]
7th International Conference on <b>Intelligent Virtual Agents</b><br><span style="COLOR: #83b6e9">[17-19 Sep 2007]</span>
IVA'07 will be a multidisciplinary forum for researchers and practitioners from academia and industry with an interest in the design, implementation, and evaluation of IVAs and IVA applications.
It will take place from 17-19 September 2007 at ENST Telecom Paris, France
[Co-Organizers: Universite Paris, NTUA - Athens, et. al.]
PBM 2007 - 3rd International Conference on Population Balance Modelling <span style="COLOR: #83b6e9">[19-21 Sep 2007]</span>
19-21 September 2007, Quebec City - Canada
[Organizers: Ghent University, Univertity Laval, NC State University, RWTH Aachen University]