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ΕνημέρωσηΝέα Άλλοι Φορείς2010Νοέμβριος

European Week for Waste Reduction 2010
[20-28 Nov 2010]

>> The idea of the European Week for Waste Reduction is to put forward the concept of waste prevention during a whole week by coordinating awareness-raising actions organised by a variety of actors (administrations/public authorities, associations/NGOs, businesses/industry, educational establishments, etc.) and targeted at a variety of audiences (the general public, employees, schoolchildren, etc.).


>>  The European Week  for Waste Reduction aims to:

  • Promote sustainable waste reduction actions across Europe
  • Raise awareness about the waste prevention and reduction strategies and policies of the European Union and its Member States
  • Firmly embed the concept of waste reduction, by highlighting actions carried out by various actors
  • Motivate the greatest number possible of citizens to take up action, by providing concrete information on the right habits and behaviour that can be adopted effectively 
  • Show how our consumption directly affects the environment and climate change, and emphasise the links between waste reduction and sustainable development


>>  Following the success of the inaugural edition last November, the second LIFE+ co-funded European Week for Waste Reduction   will take place from November 20th to November 28th 2010. “EWWR 2.0” promises to be even bigger, with events in 16 EU countries, led by 30 organisers



[Organizer: LIFE+ Programme]