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ΕνημέρωσηΝέα Άλλοι Φορείς2010


<B>Career & Mobility of the Researcher Conference</B> - Looking Beyond the European Partnership for Researchers <br><span style="COLOR: #0767b3">[09-10 Nov 2010]</span>
The Conference aims to take stock of the progress made in the implementation of the EPR, to highlight gaps & challenges, and to identify focus areas for the near future.
09-10 November 2010, Brussels, Belgium
[Organizers: EC DG Research & EU Belgian Presidency]
<B> European Week for Waste Reduction 2010</B> <br><span style="COLOR: #0767b3">[20-28 Nov 2010]</span>
The European Week for Waste Reduction is a 3 year project supported by the LIFE+ Programme of the European Commission until 2011. In 2010, the Week will take place from the 20th to the 28th November 2010
<B>COIN Multipliers Prize </B> <br><span style="COLOR: #0767b3">[29 Nov 2010]</span>
Deadline for application 31-03-2011