>> The 4th iNTeg-Risk conference is an excellent opportunity for project partners to communicate their results to the “outside world” and an opportunity for interested professionals, not participating in the iNTeg-Risk project, to learn about the project and its numerous results
>> This year, the Conference will be focused on the issues dealing with management of early warnings as well as with multiple and interconnected emerging risks of New Technologies and presentation of the current iNTeg-Risk results.
>> The Conference will be accompanied by a specialized OECD workshop and Europe-China Risk Forum. This will be an additional opportunity for the entire risk community to share experiences on risk governance, communication, analysis and management.
02-05 May 2012
Maritim Hotel Stuttgart
Seidenstraße 34
70174 Stuttgart
EU-VRi - European Virtual Institute for Integrated Risk Management
Tel.: +49 711 1839 781
Fax: +49 711 1839 685
e-mail: integrisk-conference4@eu-vri.eu
[Organizer: EU-VRi]