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Εκδηλώσεις20142011Εκδηλώσεις Άλλων Φορέων - 2011Ιούνιος

3rd iNTeg-Risk Conference 2011: Risk vs. Risk: Managing Emerging Risk-Benefit Tradeoffs in Complex
[06-08 Jun 2011]

 >> As in the preceding years, the main purpose of the Conference is to provide a forum at which partners involved in the EU "flagship project" iNTeg-Risk “Early Recognition, Monitoring and Integrated Management of Emerging, New Technology Related, Risks”, will openly and thoroughly discuss the results obtained in the project, both among themselves and with all other interested parties.

>> The Conference is also a unique opportunity for project partners to communicate their results to the “outside world” and an opportunity to those, not participating in the project, to learn about the project results such as iNTeg-Risk early warning system RiskEars, emerging risk mapping (RiskAtlas of iNTeg-Risk), emerging risk management framework (iNTeg-Risk ERMF), emerging risk communication, methods and tools for emerging risk analysis.

>> This year, the Conference will be focused on to the issues dealing with risk-risk tradeoffs, multiple and interconnected emerging risks of New Technologies. The Conference will be accompanied by 2 specialized workshops and will take place in conjunction with the SRA Europe Annual Meeting conference.

06-08 June 2011

Haus der Wirtschaft
Willi-Bleicher-Strasse 19


EU-VRi - European Virtual Institute for Integrated Risk Management

Tel.: +49 711 1839 781
Fax: +49 711 1839 685


[Organizer: EU-VRi]