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ΕνημέρωσηΝέα Άλλοι Φορείς2008Μάρτιος

Αναζήτηση Εταίρου στο Ευρωπαϊκό Πρόγραμμα MED
[12 Μαρτίου 2008]

ΕΚΕΤΑ, Μάρτιος 12, 2008 - Εκδήλωση ενδιαφέροντος για συνεργασία σε Ευρωπαϊκό Πρόγραμμα.
Ακολουθεί το κείμενο στην αγγλική γλώσσα:

Dear Sir/Madame,

Within the framework of the "Programme MED" financed by the European Union as an instrument of its regional policy and of its new programming period, I am submitting a project entitled "OptimiSME" (Optimisation of productive processes of Small and Medium Enterprises through the technological innovation).

The purpose of this project is to locate a common productive sector (e.g. textile, leather tanning, agricultural-alimentary industry etc.) displaying difficulties in adopting new technologies as function also of the economic, social, cultural and environmental significance on the territory. In particular we would provide the scientific and technical assistance to the small and medium enterprises to solve the problems pertinent to the field of the recovery and recycle of materials from wastes, to give also a contribution to the great problem of water supply, afflicting the Mediterranean area.

Submission of joint research projects by partners of the Med Area is requested, with the aim of encouraging scientific and technological co-operation. (First call for proposals is launched and will be closed on 2nd of May 2008).

I'm looking for a partner interested in submitting this project, so, I would be grateful if you could get me in touch with some your Institute or researcher who might be interested in exploring a possible collaboration.

Best regards,

Danilo Fontana  


>> Επικοινωνία:

Dr. Danilo Fontana
ENEA - Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and the Environment
via Anguillarese 301, I-001123 Rome, Italy

Tel.: +39 06 3048 4081
Fax: +39 06 3048 3220


[ENEA - Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and the Environment]