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ΕνημέρωσηΝέα Άλλοι Φορείς2010Νοέμβριος

COIN Multipliers Prize
[29 Nov 2010]

November 29, 2010  - The COIN project is proud to launch the Multiplier Prize, whose objective is to stimulate the collaboration between the COIN project and potential adopters/users of the COIN Interoperability and collaboration services. 

The Prize will be focused on awarding the best three collaboration ideas between the project and potential adopters, identifying high impact implementation cases for the COIN Interoperability and Collaboration services and/or innovative use scenarios for them.

>>  To support the COIN Multiplier Prize the COIN Project and ESoCE-net are organising a dedicated event, which will take place within the EsoCE-Net Industry Forum (Rome, 6 – 7 Dec. 2010)


Please note  Participants shall send their proposal by end of March 2011