>> The HSSS05 conference seeks research that examines system related topics from a wide range of scientific fields including, but not limited to:
- economics, finance & accounting,
- engineering,
- computer science,
- communication technologies & operations research
- design science,
- organization studies & decision making
- health care
- public policy
- cognitive science
- architecture
- sociology
- environmental science
- education
- project management and strategic management
>> Conference Sessions
- Hierarchic Dependences, Characteristics and Comparative Analysis
- The Webscope Wiki Technology for Effective Learning by All
- Cybernetics: Multidisciplinary Applications
- Workshop: "Knowledge Representation In Our Systems – K.R.I.O.S."
- System Contribution to Social Research and Theory Building in the Social Sciences
- Behavioural Finance
24-27 June 2009
Xanthi, Greece
Hellenic Society for Systemic Studies - HSSS
e-mail: info@hsss.gr
[Organizers: HSSS & DUTH]